10 days to FHAB launching, excited!
What is FHAB?
What is the difference with other brand?

FHAB was founded in mid of 2012 by two Japanese geeks, me and Bonjep.
The story began when we were working together in one of multinational consumer goods company and became friends. 
We had the same interest: Japanese and we had the same zodiac: Scorpio :D. 
From that, our friendship started to get closer and we shared the same vision from the same passion: fashion.

I, graduated from School of Business and Management ITB, Bandung. 
Entered the multinational company directly after my graduation to finance division. 
Though I went working abroad in Singapore, I had a war in my mind at that time, that finance is not my passion. I decided to resign and take intensive course in ESMOD Jakarta and fashion school in Istituto of Marangoni, Milan class of 2013.

Bonjep, graduated from UNPAR, Bandung majoring in Architecture. She had a boutique named "MUSUME", a japanese style fashion line when she was in college. Found her passion, she decided to change her path by taking her master in Prasetya Mulya Business School majoring in Marketing. After graduated, she entered the multinational company. She then decided to resign and take intensive course in ESMOD Jakarta and run the business.

FHAB stands from "Fashion House of Ashita & Bonjep" and pronounced fab as from fabulous. 
I am the A of FHAB, Ashita, a brand which offers fashion apparel for Muslimah in the world, to be fashionable and stay following the religion.
Bismillah :)


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