"All my bags are packed I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin' it's early morn
The taxi's waitin' he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I tell you now, they don't mean a thing
Every place I go, I'll think of you
Every song I sing, I'll sing for you
When I come back, I'll bring your wedding ring

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time let me kiss you
Close your eyes I'll be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times, I won't have to say

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh baby, I hate to go"

A "Leaving On A Jet Plane" will be right song for me

2 weeks before my departure to my journey to catch my dreams
2 weeks... oh my God, 2 weeks!
Gosh gosh, excited yet no clue what will happen to me there
Will I be nerd (like I always do hehe), always study, ask so many questions, not socializing
Or.. will I be super social, party every night, hang out in famous cafe, travel around Europe
Or.. Will I have good friends?
Will I catch the lessons there?
Can I sew well?
I am so nervous till I can't think anymore, I can just let it flow, and hope everything goes well (Amin)

Thank God my husband will accompany me for the first one month there, really help me to adapt new environment, as foreigner student in one country that I don't speak their language
And Thank God I met my Spanish friend online who also will go to the same school, so I get my flatmate! :D
Thank God my mom (who is very kind) helps my movement, she bought a lot of cooking utensils with green color, all of them green, and also so many instant food and flavoring 
Thank God my luggage is 50% packed
Thank God I can study abroad for my dreams

Alhamdulillah ya Allah for everything
Can't thank You enough for everything You gives me :')

So happyy, FiMiNin book is already launched!
Have you bought it in bookstore? :)
It is really helpful for hijab mix and match, sooo, what are you waiting for? :)

Andd, for you who wants to know what inside the book, here is the documentary video

Like the fanpage here
Let's inspire each other :)

Jam berapa ya sekarang? tengah malam gini  waktunya bobo kok Apipah malah seneng-senengnya ngurusin diary online Apipah ini. Heumm ... ternyata ada informasi menarik lagi nih buat sahabat Apipah. Apa ya informasi menarik itu?

Nah informasi menarik yang akan Apipah berikan di diary ini adalah tentang Rakuten. Judul lengkapnya adalah Rakuten.co.id: Toko Online Murah, Serba Ada Barang Unik

Cipto Junaedy adalah ahlinya bisnis properti - Cipto Junaedy kelahiran 26 Juni 1974  adalah seorang pakar properti dan sekaligus motivator ternama di bidang properti. Misi yang dimiliki Cipto Junaedy adalah setiap orang memiliki properti minimal sejumlah anak mereka, dan mengajaa brkan tanggungjawab keluarga. Misi inilah yang membawa kesuksesan dalam strategi bisnisnya. Selain orang yang

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Wuih ini blog Diary Apipah sepertinya acak-acak isinya jauh dari kata "rapih" kerena memang isinya hanya untuk cari duit saja dengan kata lain lomba-lomba yang menguntungakan seperti yang sedang berlansung saat ini sampai bulan januari , februari 2013 yaitu Cipto Junaedy dan Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia serta jasa iklan Apipah thank to Toko Online garinleather.com

Update kembali menuju tahun 2013, Apipah sangat senang banget banyak mengulas perusahaan Terbaik di Indonesia. Diantara perusahaan terbaik di Indonesia khususnya di bidang asuransi adalah Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia.

Commonwealth adalah salah satu bahasan apipah hari ini, tidak banyak yang akan apipah berikan, tetapi setidaknya artikel ini mengena terhadap

Walah dalah mbak bro, tidak tahu apa yang ada di pikiran saya ini, bisa menulis segini saja kok repot ingin menaikan posisi terbaik di hasil pencarian google ini. Tetapi di pikir Apipah apa saja deh ... yang di tulis di blog Apipah ini lagian blog bukanlah referensi yang akademik untuk sebuah referensi toh blog Apipah kan Diary pribadi.

Nah dua artikel untuk menjadi yang terbaik rupanya sudah

Tampilan cantik tak jarang melahirkan sebuah pujian. Ya, Pujian adalah satu kata yang penuh makna untuk seorang wanita. Disana wanita mengira bahwa harga diri mereka dapat terangkat karena sederet kata rayuan, yang dibalut atas nama pujian. kebanyakan wanita juga mengira dapat mengukur tinggi atau rendahnya kualitas mereka dari sebuah pujian yang diterima. Dalam kalimat pujian itu pula, impian

Sepertinya kontes yang Apipah ikuti kali ini sangatlah seru banget dengan pencarian judul yang cukup panjang yaitu "Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia" di ikuti dengan peserta senior semua yang sudang nongkrong di halaman pertama dengan hasil pencarian kurang lebih 1,400,000.

Sepertinya merekalah para pemenaangnya, ada yurosie, japarus, stevcrown, arifpotrayunar,

Pagi tadi jumat 11 Januari 2013 apipah mendengar ceramahnya pak ustadz bahwa jalan hidup ini cuma ada dua  yang pertama Jalan keburukan dan yang kedua adalah jalan kebaikan. Jalan hidup ini di ambil dari Teks suci Al-Qur'an yang kata orang sih ayat ini di sebut ayat sapu jagat. 

Nah ayat Al-Qurannya adalah sebagai berikut

رَبَّنَا آَتِنَا فِي الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَفِي الْآَخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً

Tutorial Jilbab Cara Memakai Kerudung Segi (4) Empat terbaru tahun 2013 

Pakai inner jilbab ninja. Pasangkan jilbab atau kerudung segi empat anda seperti model dengan sisi sama panjang.

Pertemukan kedua sisi kerudung di bawah dagu, sematkan peniti agar tidak bergeser

Kemudian ambil sisi kiri dan tarik ke sisi kepala kanan. Sematkan jarum pentul untuk menjaganya tetap rapi.

Saat paha model ini berukuran 'normal', tampaknya ada yang salah dengan ukuran pinggangnya. Uniknya, kesalahan ini tidak diedit hingga majalahnya diterbitkan.


Ada yang merangkulnya? Tampaknya gadis ini tak berjalan sendirian. Lalu tangan siapa itu? 


Kenapa ada yang hilang dan kenapa warnanya  berubah?

Anda segera menyadarinya kan? Ada yang hilang di perut gadis ini. Tak hanya itu,
Ta daa! Another inspiration story!

Now I would love to share about my inspiration about my upcoming dress at FHAB by ashita
This dress is a high low baby doll dress with a big balloon shape sleeve, covered with classic pattern with soft pink pastel color
This dress called Peony, inspired by Peony flower
Peony is a flower with a recorded history that dates back thousands of years, 
it’s not surprising that even the mythology surrounding the origin of the peony has multiple versions. 
One legend has it that the peony is named after Paeon, a physician to the Gods, 
who received the flower on Mount Olympus from the mother of Apollo. 
And another tells the story of that same physician who was “saved” from the fate of dying as other mortals by being turned into the flower we know today as the peony.
The traditional floral symbol of China, the state flower of Indiana, and the 12th wedding anniversary flower, 
peonies are known as the flower of riches and honor. 
With their lush, full, rounded bloom, peonies embody romance and prosperity
 and are regarded as an omen of good fortune and a happy marriage.
(source taken from here)

Beauty inside and outside, Peony has a very pretty shape
The color gradation of white and pink pastel and the feminine look makes it perfect and elegant
That's why when I got the garment and decided to design a cloth, I decided to make a dress inspired by pretty Peony flower
I wish every girl who will wear Peony Dress will be as pretty as Peony flower :)

- Peony Flower -

- FHAB by ASHITA Peony Dress -

Wait for the it! :)


I was recently sent 3 scarves to review from 'Neva Style', a Turkish hijab company that sells a wide range of polyester and silk scarves, mostly with lace detailing. 

Here are the three scarves I was sent:

All of them are a polyester and viscose mix, measuring 63 by 180cm. My favorite is this black and white one:

The quality of the scarves is very good. Good stitching, no loose threads, nice, soft fabric. An innate problem with the material though is that it creases very easily, which isn't good news for someone like me (i.e. lazy) who doesn't have the time or energy to iron a scarf. 

I really like the lace detailing and I think that it looks very chic on (check their website out for more photos). These are the sorts of scarves that could make a simple outfit look smart, Turkish style. One thing I'm not keen on is the shininess of the scarves, mainly because it means they slip off quite easily unless you wear an under-cap and use straight pins. 

These scarves go for around $25, depending on the style. Real silk versions sell for $50. I think these are reasonable prices. 

My mum took a liking to the red one so she nabbed it.. 

Overall I think that the scarves are nice, they are of a good quality and are reasonably priced. I recently wore the black and white one as a neck scarf with a plain hijab and a black blazer, I thought it looked good if I do say so myself. I would post a picture but I'm not into the idea of posting 'outfits of the day', not sure why. Anyway, I would highly recommend you take a look at their site, there is a massive selection of colours and some really nice Turkish outfit pictures. If you want to place an order, you can email them at info@neva-style.com

(Just to clarify, I do not and will never recommend a company that I would not purchase from myself. I actually don't respond to most of the review requests I get because if I think I'm not going to like the item or I think it's too overpriced, I'm not going to pretend to recommend something just because I was sent it.)
Alhamdulillah my tutorial hijab has reached over 1,000,000 views
Hope this video helps you to keep your faith yet being stylish

Barakallah :)
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